Monday, September 15, 2008

Final Programme for the Mini Con

Here's what you've all been waiting for - the final running order for the day's activities:

10.00 am Panel "How to Handle Rejections":
Adrian Bedford, Russell Farr, Simon Haynes and Bevan McGuiness
followed by
Readings from
Sonia Helbig and Helen Venn

11.00 am Panel "Clarions; gains and losses":
Lee Battersby, Lyn Battersby, Carol Ryles, Helen Venn and Jessica Vivien
followed by
Readings from
Jo Mills and Elaine Kemp

12.00 noon Panel "What's Hot and What's Not - trends in Speculative Fiction":
Elaine Kemp, Alisa Krasnostein, Ian Nichols and Grant Stone
followed by
Readings from
Juliet Marillier and Ian Nichols

1.00 pm Panel "Lies, Damned Lies and Research":
Dave Luckett, Hal Colebatch, Satima Flavell and Juliet Marillier
followed by
Readings from
Hal Colebatch and Dave Luckett

2.00 pm Panel "Hooks and Sinkers - writing a killer first line"
Adrian Bedford, Stephen Dedman, Russell Farr and Bevan McGuiness
followed by
Readings from
Adrian Bedford and Stephen Dedman

3.00 pm Panel "Steampunk"
Toby Coulstock; John Parker; Carol Ryles and Grant Stone
followed by
Readings from
Deb Ratcliffe and Carol Ryles

4.00 pm Panel "How to get out of the Slushpile":
Lyn Battersby, Janet Blagg, Stephen Dedman; Alisa Krasnostein; Tehani Wessely
followed by
Q&A and wind-up.

That's quite a line up.But wait, there's more - book sales courtesy of Fantastic Planet and a chance to chat with local authors and buy their books as well

Gold coin entry, Hot dog and fruit lunch $5 with complimentary entry into prize draw for book parcels with each lunch voucher purchased.
Tea and coffee will be available all day for a silver coin donation per cup.

You don't want to miss this! See you there.


Anonymous said...

I might have missed something, but where abouts is this held?

Helen V. said...

Sorry I took so long to answer this. It's at Katharine Susannah Writers Centre, 11 Old York Rd, Greenmount.